By K. Wood, Age 74

My story and the feelings connected are distant but still with me today. I am 74 years young. I was the only girl in my elementary school having her period.  I was eleven years old. If my period started or I needed to change my pad I would be ushered to the teachers lounge by my male teacher because students weren’t allowed in there. I remember walking with him and wanting to sink into the ground. I remember the female teachers not acknowledging me as if they were embarrassed for me. An eleven year old kid walking into a room of adults needing to use the bathroom and teachers watching me.  It was all so public and humiliating. Sometimes I was able to hide in the girls bathroom and stuff my underwear with toilet paper thus avoiding the dreaded escort. 

I suppose stories like this are common for other young girls in the 50’s.  As I write this Period Story I realize I have buried many memories of those years but I haven’t forgotten the embarrassment and humiliation.  Today I work at a local drug store. Young women come in buying female products with no compunction but I still feel an inkling of mild embarrassment.  The first few times it happened I was shocked at my reaction. Today I feel deep pride in young women in all that they do and I smile.

p.s. Period Stories. Everyone has a story to tell. All stories are welcome, whether or not you get or will get a period. If you’d like to share a story, click here.