Straightforward Answers To Your Tough Period Questions

A Guide for Parents / Guardians
How do I prepare my child for their period?
“The” conversation is daunting, right? But it doesn’t have to be. If it’s scary for you, you can imagine how overwhelming it might be to be on the other side. Experts suggest we take it slowly, and break the conversation up in a natural way– maybe have it a little bit at a time, not all at once. With some girls having their first periods as early as eight years old it might be best to start slowly and try not to let your anxiety be the guide. Deep breathe, parents and guardians, you can do this!
For more info, check THIS out. And THIS.
Do I really have to do this at all? Won’t my child get all they need to know in a classroom?
There is growing evidence that, in fact, the sexual education our children need is not happening in school, at least not the way you might think. Just like some of us did when we were kids, girls and boys can seek out information from friends. But increasingly they turn to the internet, and we probably don’t have to tell you what happens when you type “sex” into a search engine. Take a look at THIS to get some perspective on where things stand. One of the very best ways to keep ALL our children safe is to give them the information they need to make good choices for themselves. Talking to your children will help empower them to take care of themselves, and not feel shame about what’s naturally happening to their bodies. And yes, we’re talking about having this talk with your child, no matter their gender. You would be shocked at how many men (even those with kids) we find who have no understanding at all about reproductive health.
I don’t think it is appropriate for my child to use some products. How do I keep them from doing that?
It is up to you as the parent to help your child make good choices. But it’s also important for you to be as well-informed and up-to-date on the information on which you base your decisions. Things have changed a lot since you were a teen! The question asked HERE by one young woman may be a good place to start.
There are so many more products on the market than just a few years ago. I’m not even familiar with some of them. Where to start?
We thought you’d never ask. Step into the PRODUCT GALLERY.