Every one of us has a story to tell. About…
🔴A first period.
🔴How our periods do not align with the gender with which we identify.
🔴That ridiculously embarrassing time…
🔴The moment we realized menstruation was a superpower 💪🏼
🔴How our perspectives have changed even though we don’t menstruate
We are introducing a new feature on “The Spot,” our BLOG, and would love for you to share your story.
Stories might focus on a first-period experience, painful periods, or even what you are thinking if you have yet to get it. Many of you will recall a funny situation. Others will want to offer a warning by providing a story of personal health. The point is to share our experiences as a way to de-stigmatize menstruation, teach, laugh, and simply celebrate this amazing thing some of our bodies do.
We welcome PERIOD STORIES from anyone and everyone; we are particularly grateful for stories from those of you who don’t identify as girls or women. We all have a lot to learn.