Reproductive Health


Period Stories


On Campus

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How and Why You Should Use a Period Tracker

How and Why You Should Use a Period Tracker

Whether you print out the GHGP Period Tracker or use an app, keeping up with your menstrual cycle can help in many ways. Sure, the bleeding days are the ones we focus on the most, but understanding the entire menstrual cycle (even the times of the month when there is...

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Wrong Answer. Try Again.

Wrong Answer. Try Again.

Recently I asked a school nurse, "Why are pads and tampons kept in your office, and not the bathrooms, where they are needed?" The answer won't surprise you, and I'll bet it's the same answer most of you would get if you walked into a local school. Still the response...

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Is Your Period Sustainable?

Is Your Period Sustainable?

It is hard to overstate just how big an impact our periods are having on the planet. In the last decade or so, there is a mountain of evidence that has piled up regarding menstrual products' effects on the environment and if we're being honest, we have to take some of...

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When It’s More Than Just A Hashtag

When It’s More Than Just A Hashtag

Today marks International Women's Day, a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. One of the best ways to mark the day and champion the push for equality for all genders is to uplift the work of others. The theme of...

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Glossary for the Global Menstrual Movement

Glossary for the Global Menstrual Movement

Before Girls Helping Girls. Period. was even an official non-profit, its founders (Emma and Quinn, at about ages 12 and 15) were talking to adults about the importance of supporting those who struggle to pay for menstrual products and the need for pads and tampons in...

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p.s. Seeing Red in Reading

p.s. Seeing Red in Reading

During the beginning of the school year, in mid-September, I was at school. I'd had my period for about three months. I had thought my period had ended the night before. I was in Reading when I felt a drip. "Can't be anything," I thought. By the time Reading was over,...

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Hey NJ, We are watching you…

Hey NJ, We are watching you…

We're dealing with a bit of disappointment this week at Girls Helping Girls. Period. HQ. We're also really mad, frankly... and nothing fuels our fire quiet like anger.🔥 We got news that A3388, the bill in the NJ Legislature that would ensure that public school...

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Does Covid-19 Affect the Menstrual Cycle?

Does Covid-19 Affect the Menstrual Cycle?

It has been just about one year since the first person was given a Covid-19 vaccine. In that time, more than eight billion doses have been administered. The rollout of the vaccines from five drug companies came after a study of their safety and efficacy. Effects on...

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