by GHGP | Reproductive Health
Whether you print out the GHGP Period Tracker or use an app, keeping up with your menstrual cycle can help in many ways. Sure, the bleeding days are the ones we focus on the most, but understanding the entire menstrual cycle (even the times of the month when there is...
by GHGP | On Campus, Reproductive Health
Recently I asked a school nurse, “Why are pads and tampons kept in your office, and not the bathrooms, where they are needed?” The answer won’t surprise you, and I’ll bet it’s the same answer most of you would get if you walked into a...
by GHGP | Behind the Scenes, Policy / News, Reproductive Health
Before Girls Helping Girls. Period. was even an official non-profit, its founders (Emma and Quinn, at about ages 12 and 15) were talking to adults about the importance of supporting those who struggle to pay for menstrual products and the need for pads and tampons in...