p.s. Public Pool Period

p.s. Public Pool Period

One time I was swimming in a public pool, and my tampon got accidentally pulled out, and they had to evacuate the whole pool. It was mortifying. p.s. Period Stories. Everyone has a story to tell. All stories are welcome, whether or not you get or will get a period. If...
Vacations and Periods

Vacations and Periods

Ahhh, vacation. After a year+ of online school and workdays without beginnings or endings, the Girls Helping Girls. Period. team finally got a chance to take a much-needed break. We (the Joy family, founders of GHGP) are exceedingly lucky, and we know it, to have been...
Monica, Museums and Menstrual Cups

Monica, Museums and Menstrual Cups

Most of us may know her as Monica Geller, but long before Courtney Cox became the best-known BFF on “Friends” in 1994, she had already gotten noticed for a big first. Still, it’s hard to imagine she was the first person to say the word...