Managing Periods: An Olympic-Sized Task

Managing Periods: An Olympic-Sized Task

You may be one of the millions of mere mortals watching the Olympics from the couch, in awe of the marvels of the human body and the lengths to which the athletes can push themselves. With all due respect to the male participants, the women at the 2021 Olympics in...
Monica, Museums and Menstrual Cups

Monica, Museums and Menstrual Cups

Most of us may know her as Monica Geller, but long before Courtney Cox became the best-known BFF on “Friends” in 1994, she had already gotten noticed for a big first. Still, it’s hard to imagine she was the first person to say the word...
Men Must Be Part of the Solution

Men Must Be Part of the Solution

We were doing a big donation at a food pantry and stopping each and every client (regardless of age or gender) and asking, as we do,  “Is there someone in your home who would benefit from a donation of period products?” The two male friends who were picking up...